Monday, January 12, 2015

Advanced Comp Sci Blog: Ideas for Group Projects

In Advanced Computer Science I have been working on the AVL Tree lab, which I thought was very interesting. I found it fascinating how through rotations the tree could keep itself balanced and therefore be efficient even when inserting a large number of nodes. I would like to continue with the presentations and learning c++, as I think much of what we have been learning as a class is very useful, especially structures, trees, and linked lists. I would like to have larger projects in c++ to more fully learn about the language, but am not quite sure what type of project. Doing a project as a class would be fun and we could potentially work together to make some sort of larger application. The only idea I have is to potentially make some sort of game, but I think we should brainstorm in class to think of an application we could make using c++. I would also be interested in having time to work on personal projects, as I would like to have time to start learning Ruby in class so I don't have to spend as much time out of class. Overall I have enjoyed Advanced Computer Science and am looking forward to the second semester.

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